Turbulência nos arquivos universitários: o papel do Centro de Documentação (CEDOC) da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) na preservação das informações arquivísticas
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Turbulência nos arquivos universitários: o papel do Centro de Documentação (CEDOC) da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) na preservação das informações arquivísticas
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OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Maria Velloso de | SILVA, Maria Celina Soares de Mello e
TEMA 3 – Pesquisadores, arquivistas e conservadores: o diálogo em busca de políticas e diretrizes para a preservação do patrimônio científico
Outro Idioma
Turbulence in the university archives: the role of the Documentation Centre (CEDOC) of the University of Brasilia (UNB) in the preservation of archival information
This article describes the changes occurring in the Documentation Centre (CEDOC) of the University of
Brasilia (UnB) and discusses the need of strengthening in the debate about the role of archives of scientific institutions in the face of commitment to preservation of archival information. The recent hiring of archivists, for the permanent staff of employees of the Foundation University of Brasília (FUB), prompted a change of approach CEDOC in relation to documents produced by one of the most important universities of the country: the use of classification, appraisal and description of the documents relating to the middles and end activities sent to the record centre or the deposit of historical archives. In addition, planning
management strategies, implementation of documents treatment projects in the sectors of work - administrative and academic; strengthening partnerships and expansion of internship opportunities in the evening hours for students of the Archivology of the School of Information Science (FCI) were some of the main changes since 2008. The consequence is the change in the profile of the holdings accumulated by CEDOC characterized by the existence of files on various media: paper, microfilm and digital medium. In
this context, the new CEDOC posture as public manager of holdings maintenance policy of UNB aims to provide access to organic information and the good performance of the administrative functions, despite the precariousness of physical spaces, the volume of fiftieth years of documents and the equipment gap. However, the greatest contrast is the corporate culture uncompromising with the scientific theoretical treatment of your files.