O direito de autor e o contexto da produção intelectual no âmbito científico
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O direito de autor e o contexto da produção intelectual no âmbito científico
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OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Maria Velloso de | SILVA, Maria Celina Soares de Mello e
Outro Idioma
The copyright in the context of the intellectual production under scientific scope
Allocated in the universe of intellectual property, scientific knowledge has required attention and understanding in the copyright matter. Besides its development grows the complexity of relationships witch demands increasingly attention to the Copyright Act. To this universe also belongs the plagiarism, theft, piracy, among other forms of intellectual property infringement, which represent constant threats to authors and owners of scientific works. On the one hand, there are authors who are increasingly concerned, on the other, institutions are concerned with dissemination and access - how to resolve this issue is the big challenge. This study will be talking about the restrictions that go under the copyright in order to facilitate access to scientific archives. In this context, discuss relations between work / production / intellectual creation, author and copyright versus the social demand for access. On one side are those who defend the broad and unrestricted dissemination of scientific knowledge, on the other those who claim its impossibility, because it would clash with the limits of intellectual property, which would be an affront to freedom and individuality – important concepts to contemporary societies. The path of building an understanding of safer conditions to communicate and show the public scientific papers is open. In this perspective, the Copyright Act is a main tool enabling access. From its understanding can be resolved important issues involving custodial institutions seeking to access. However, it must be respected the rules of use and dissemination content. There are many problems to face as well as aspects and rights that only legislation can not solve, especially when we think about information technology. Finally, this complex relationship of rights needs to be understood in order to enable access to the scientific production in general and also the one under the custody of public institutions within the possibilities that meet the demands of society and preserve the copyrights of those involved.