Entre o passado e o futuro: o desafio de avaliar massa documental acumulada concomitantemente à implantação de programa de gestão de documentos
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Entre o passado e o futuro: o desafio de avaliar massa documental acumulada concomitantemente à implantação de programa de gestão de documentos
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OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Maria Velloso de | SILVA, Maria Celina Soares de Mello e
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Texto apresentado no VII Encontro de Arquivos Científicos, de 24 a 26 de junho de 2015.
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Between the past and the future: the challenge of evaluate accumulated documents simultaneously with the implantation of records management program
This work presents the project in course at the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences at the History of Science Archives with the implantation of the Records Classification’s Code and the Table of Temporality of Records. Since it was created, in 1985, the MAST comes collecting to the Archives the documents produced by the institution, without, however, evaluate them. Nowadays, the Archives accumulates 30 years of records considered intermediary, that require evaluation to permanent guard or elimination. In parallel, with the approval of the Records Classification’s Code and the Table of Temporality of Records by the Brazilian National Archives, are in development two simultaneous actions: the careful evaluation of the accumulated records, taking as basis the Table of Temporality; and the beginning of a Records Management Program to be adopted for the whole institution. The Program aims to, primarily, train the teams of all areas of the institution fo the classification and the future retiring of the documents to the Archives. The challenge is to evaluate this documentary liabilities accumulated over time and consolidate the principles of Records management at the MAST, simultaneously. The elaboration of the Records Classification’s Code and the Table of Temporality by the MAST occurred, firstly, in 1991, without have been approved by the National Archives, and without have been really implemented. In 2001, the National Archives became public the ‘Basic Table of Temporality and Destination of Archives regarding the administrative Activities from the Public Administration’, to be used for all public agencies of the Federal Executive Power, including the MAST. It was necessary to review the MAST’s Code and adjust it to the new guidelines of the National Archives, which only occurred recently. Thus arises another challenge is the applicability of the produced instruments, with the current team. The past needs to be classified and valuated for its destination – elimination or permanent guard - and the future, which involves training the teams from all sectors of the institution, for classifying records at the time of production, control the records flow and carry out systematically and routinely gathering records to the History of Science Archives. With the current team consisting of 1 archivist 3 historians, 1 visual programmer and 1 Assistant Archivist, the challenge is to split in order to realize two work fronts of the same Records management program tasks. This presentation aims to show that not only the Records management tools are important for the control, allocation and preservation of the documents, but the investment in working team is fundamental and essential point for Records management. Without trained professional will not be possible to have control of the production and management of information.