Aplicação da Lei de Acesso à Informação na FIOCRUZ: em busca de uma metodologia para garantia de acesso e sigilo das informações
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Aplicação da Lei de Acesso à Informação na FIOCRUZ: em busca de uma metodologia para garantia de acesso e sigilo das informações
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OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Maria Velloso de | SILVA, Maria Celina Soares de Mello e
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Texto apresentado no VII Encontro de Arquivos Científicos, de 24 a 26 de junho de 2015.
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Aplication of access to information act on FIOCRUZ: searching for a method to promote the access of informations and to protect sensitive information
The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 was significant for democratization process that establishes the guarantee of public access to information produced by the state. Although such a guarantee reassembles almost thirty years ago, only in 2011 with the enactment of the Access to Information Act (LAI) this guarantee was effectively translated into a right of all citizens. Nevertheless, almost three decades after, some issues related to privacy rights, property, security of the State and society, supervision, justice among others, that pervade the sphere of information produced by the state, appear not resolved in state institutions, especially those that develops to science and technology such as the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). A challenge faced by these institutions is to solve problems for the identification and treatment of sensitive information, that they are consider an exception to LAI. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the LAI is a general rule and permits some restriction cases free access to information and don’t invalidated the special laws that guarantee the confidentiality of information in their respective fields of action rules. To better meet the propositions of LAI, the FIOCRUZ through the research project entitled Knowledge Management Program aims to address the increasing technical capacity in the development of strategic actions for the promotion of information management and knowledge oriented to innovation and quality / excellence of institutional actions; search to develop a a focused methodology for the identification and treatment of confidential information created, used, transmited and custodied by the institution. This article aims to demonstrate the results of this project until now, evidence the potential of Records Management for the control, treatment and access institutional information and demystify the prevalence of a “culture of secrecy” in the process of identification and treatment of sensitive information and therefore demonstrate that the information identification process of that has restricted access maximizes institutional transparency to the extent that the universe of sensitive information is infinitely inferior compared to the all of overt information.