Organizar para melhor informar: o estado da gestão documental no MCTI e nas Unidades de Pesquisa a ele vinculadas
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Organizar para melhor informar: o estado da gestão documental no MCTI e nas Unidades de Pesquisa a ele vinculadas
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OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Maria Velloso de | SILVA, Maria Celina Soares de Mello e
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Texto apresentado no VII Encontro de Arquivos Científicos, de 24 a 26 de junho de 2015.
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Organizing to better inform: the state of document management in MCTI and the research units linked to it
In recent years, particularly since the entry into force of the Access to Information Act - LAI (Law 12527/11), the Brazilian state officials have signaled transparency as a basic principle of its operation. The state bureaucracy must now by law, be able to meet the requests made by society of any information (except those protected by confidentiality) concerning its technicalities. However, for a real speed and transparency of the process is necessary the effective implementation of document management tools, such as the creation and implementation of institutional rules which deals with the classification, processing and custody of documentation and the filing of the required information. The present work aims to add to the suggestions presented on the VI Meeting of Scientific Files (2013), where we sought to draw a sketch of the first reactions of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and its Research Units (PUs) to the LAI. Now, once again we make use of the application of a standardized questionnaire, sent to the areas responsible for document management of these institutions, while we seek to find out the state of these different organs, programs (or lack thereof) of document management produced or accumulated within these organs. Having as a basic premisse the idea that the better organized the easiest the document management redemption of administrative information is, we will compare this data with the data related to other areas that are focused on requests for access to information based on that law, in order to map in more details the degree of relationship between the organization’s documentation and ease for society to acess the acts of public administration. In short, through the answers (and the lack thereof) present in these questionnaires, you can not only map at which level the Document Management under the MCTI and its UPs (the authors’ area of expertise) are, but also demonstrate through the results that this management is a central tool for achieving the ultimate goal of the Access to Information Act, which is to make the government and its various departments more transparent, capable of promptly responding the demands of their real masters, the citizens.